Why should you start Vermicomposting?
Some may find worms gross and disgusting but if you educate yourself you will learn that worms are very beneficial to your gardens and lawn!
What is Vermicomposting?
Vermicompsting is the decomposition of organic waste (kitchen scraps) using worms and microorganisms. Vermicompost is the material left behind after worms eat and digest kitchen scraps and other organic matter. So it’s basically worm poop/worm castings. This worm poop is becomes organic nutrient-rich fertilizer which will be beneficial for your garden when you put it down.
How can I start?
You can purchase your worm bin & suggested Red Wiggler Worms from Amazon. Suggested to start with ordering 1,000 worms but you can start with 500 and order more when you comfortable. Once you get both the worm bin & worms you are ready to set up your “worm factory”. You must read your guide prior to starting your trays so that you can properly care for and feed your worms.
What do I feed my worms?
Worms love your table scraps (no citrus, meat, dairy or fatty foods). Food should be chopped up as small as you can. They also enjoy dryer lint, coffee grinds & egg shells.
*Also, shredded newspaper for bedding is suggested and a moist newspaper to cover the worm bin.
Can my worms escape?
At first you might get a few “Houdini” worms at first but if you follow set up instructions and then add 1 large piece of newspaper over the top of the bin under the cover they should not get out.
Where should I keep my worm bin/factory?
The bin/factory can’t be in cold or hot conditions. A basement or laundry room is a great place even a space in your kitchen!
Again, more info can be found in your guide and of course online!
A video clip of our newest 500 worms we recently added to our bin. Click link to view video